Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

The kids got their Christmas stockings. Socks had a blue one, Boots had green, and Patches had a white one. Patches wasn't feeling well, but the other two opened up theirs and I opened Patches for her. I couldn't open them fast enough for them if you could tell. I think that kids are going to miss having all the Christmas stuff up. Its all coming down tomorrow. Its going to be sad to see it go since Curtis helped put everything up :(
Christmas was good for the most part. It still really wasn't Christmas w/o Curtis here. But Tiff, Jamie, and Nat Nat share made my Christmas a Christmas memory.
I stayed over at there house Christmas Eve. Watched Nat Nat hang up his key for Santa, feed the reindeer, and put cookies out for Santa. Then we all went to bed. Nat Nat was so happy to open his gifts, he even had his hair all did. After all the fun of opening gifts we had to pick up all the trash. Shorty after Tiff and I started making lunch/dinner. Everything was going great. We only had a few things left that we were waiting for. Tiff was in charge of finishing the sweet potatoes, since she was the one that topped them off with the marshmallows. While I finished up the green been casserole. Well out of no where if tells me that I need to move because the oven is on fire. I didn't believe her Intel she opened it. I had to make the comment "It's not Christmas unless something caches on fire." So Tiff grabbed the fire extinguisher and got herself in the face. She had no clue what she was doing but Jamie came and sa
ved the day, he was able to get the fire out, but we last the green bean casserole. It was ok we had enough food for everyone. Watched Christmas movies, took a nap, and cleaned everything up.
It was a very wonderful day. It was like being at home for Christmas, it was like the last Christmas that Curtis and I shared up in WI on Christmas Day, its nice being around family. Everyone is safe and healthy. Now looking forward to the new year that's coming around the corner.

Thanksgiving pictures that I have been waiting forever to get from Tiff. I had to e-mail them to myself since she forgot. But that's ok I still love her. She was still nice enough to take the pictures since my cam was dead...

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